Monday, November 15, 2010

The countdown has begun! Samantha was just expressing the wish that this week be one of those weeks that just flies by. Now, I'd love that too - but since I'm the one in charge of all the packing and last minute details, I could use at least one day that drags.

As Peter mentioned, I've been to Rome before - twice, actually. The first time was on my honeymoon, more than 21 yrs. ago, and the second five years later, with our then 3 yr. old son. Since it's been 16 yrs., I'm really looking forward to a return trip, this time with our daughters. They definitely plan on joining Peter on the great gelato hunt. Actually, we might try to get Peter to participate in Tom's version of Survivor Italy. When my son Tommy was 12 we went to Florence. After dinner, while I was putting the girls to bed, Tom and Tommy would go on a gelato expedition. After they bought the gelato, Tom made Tommy find his way back to the hotel, without his help. I'm happy to say that Tommy did end up coming back home with us, and the therapy bills from the trauma haven't been too bad.

My daughters, who turn 12 yrs. old 4 days after we get back (which, of course, means that I'm also trying to buy birthday presents and plan a party before we leave), are fraternal, and, frankly, don't really look that much alike, especially Samantha, who is a good 5 inches shorter than Kate. Peter's inability to tell them apart can only be accounted for by the fact that he's seen them in person perhaps 3 times in 12 yrs., and each time there was heavy wine drinking involved. I have no doubt that with the opportunity to spend more time with them, sober, he'll be able to tell them apart in no time. My only question is whether we should let them mess with him and misindentify themselves....could be fun.

One clarification, only for my personal prides sake, I didn't just study to be a lawyer, I actually practiced law for 12 yrs., with my career ending and full-time mom status starting when I became pregnant with triplets. I only clarify this because my son likes to insist that I'm not a lawyer because I haven't practiced for so long, but the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois still considers me a lawyer, so I'm sticking with that story!

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